So on one saturday, I was really sick and tired of KL and figured I need to go out of town. Then I received a call from my bro in-law asking me to go for hiking trip at this place. I thought I've heard of this place before but I'm not sure where it is. For first timer, this is how you can get here:
- take the MRR2 - from KLCC, take ampang road, there is a sign goin to MRR2 on your left (or look for Zoo Negara Signboard)
- go down the road untill you meet signboard to Taman Melawati on your left, turn right after the trafic light and go straight, you'll meet a roundabout, take 12 o'clock and you'll meet second roundabout, take 3 o'clock.
- go straight and you'll find a junction, take right and go down the hill and follow the road. you'll see houses and some cars park by the road side. the starting point is at a halfway built wall and you'll c a sign on one of the trees like this :

OK, now the fun part. Please be careful, don't underestimate this place. A lot of people do that and they end up being in trouble. You'll need :
- good shoes (dont wear slipper or sandle because its rocky and sometimes slippery)
- a lot of water (2 litres will be fine)
- extra clothes (you can take a dip in the waterfall nearby)
- camera
- guts (you'll c what i'm talking about)

See that slope, thats not bad right? OK, upon your way up you'll c beautiful Klang Gates reservoir at the back. Its really unfortunate you cannot go there or else it will be awesome but some pics will do. Look at these pics, cool huh?

Klang Gates Reservoir

One of Many Klang Gates Peaks

Peace to the world
There are several peaks (seven maybe) that you need to go up and down. Each one progessively getting tough, once again be careful ok. after three peaks (i think), you'll come to the point where you need to lower yourself with an existing rope. Don't be afraid to trust the rope as its pretty tough, if you r not sure, try pulling it as hard as you can before you use it. Some tips:
- Put the rope in the middle of your legs, lean back with your feet flat on the rocks and your hips parallel to your back.
- hold tight to the rope, look for places you can safely land your feet.
- If you are afraid of height, there's an alternative but i do not recomend cause its slippery and time consuming.
- get your friends help to guide you down.

the caution sign upon going down the rope

the take off point
see the rope?

view from the climbing point
It'll take you only a few seconds to get down the rope. its easy for regular climber even for starter if you know how to do it. Next, you'll need to climb up almost 90 degrees slope (my personal favourite slope) to go up to the next peak. You'll meet a flat clearing after this wall.
To be continued...